Friday, 23 November 2012

Research: Reader Profile

This is my own Reader Profile which I have used as a way of portraying my specified target audience of my Soap Opera advertisement.

As I want to attract an audience similar to that of Hollyoaks (Teenagers, Young Adults, Predominantly Female), I have looked at what the audience of Hollyoaks do as part of their leisure time, and tried to evaluate this in the above image.

The 'E4' channel predominantly serves the needs of young adults by broadcasting television programmes that they are likely to enjoy. Hollyoaks is often broadcasted daily on E4, as is the Hollyoaks omnibus on a weekend.

As stereotypes go, the average teenager/young adult is portrayed as 'technology obsessed' so mobile phones, iPods, laptops and any similar technology based product is likely to be an interest to the target audience.

Youtube, an internet service which allows users to post videos, or simply just be able to watch videos, doesn't necessarily have a specific target audience as it is widely used worldwide by people of all ages. YouTube is likely to be of an interest to the target audience of my Soap Opera Advertisement as they are going to be students, and likely earning a low wage and watching videos of Youtube is a free way of doing so, meaning saving of money.

By portraying real life situations that people from the target audience can likely relate too, it creates a sense of realism and something that the target audience can think about, and relate too if they have ever experienced that. For example, binge drinking can be an issue for young people in society, which is why I plan on using Snow White as the 'binge drinker' and getting the Wicked Witch to 'spike' her drink as a way of portraying the dangerous outcomes that can happen whilst participating in drinking.

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